LEONARDO MARTINEZ-DIAZ (he/him) - Founder and Director
Leo is a native of Mexico City and Chicago. He is an author, scholar, public servant, and climate activist who has worked for nearly two decades in the policy arena fighting for climate action, both in non-profit organizations and the federal government. His most recent book, with Alice C. Hill, is Building a Resilient Tomorrow: How to Prepare for the Coming Climate Disruption (Oxford University Press, 2019 and 2022). He is an amateur photographer.
ALEXI SCHEIBER (she/her) - Artistic Coordinator
Alexi is an experimental animator and multidisciplinary artist currently in her final year of UMBC's Master of Fine Arts program, where she was awarded the RTKL Fellowship for her thesis work where she imagines restorative communities. She also works as an arts educator and is an Adjunct professor at UMBC. At the Crow's Nest, she is the first point of contact. ​
NUMINOUS JACHENS (she/her) - Volunteer
Numinous is an up and coming multimedia artist, based in her home city of Baltimore. Focusing on her work as a painter, she creates imaginative worlds emerging from organic patterns. Reoccurring themes appear in her work: repairing the internal world & spirit as a trauma survivor, and its connection to the restoration of earth. She also makes unique journals and clothing from repurposed materials.